Symposium Agenda

As of July 16. Subject to change. Classification: Unclassified Distro-A

Wednesday, December 11

8:00 - 10:00 AM

Main Stage


Vice Admiral Craig A. “Clap” Clapperton

Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. TENTH Fleet / Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber (Navy)

1:00 - 2:15 PM

Main Stage


Fireside Chat – Contemporary Issues in EMS Operations

Featuring former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (N2/N6) and Director of Naval Intelligence VADM (USN, Ret) Jeffrey Trussler, and current Deputy Director for Navy Intelligence Mr Steven Parode (SES), this special spotlight session will deliver insights into the dynamic and critical EMS Operations (EMSO) mission space. With nearly 80 years’ combined Navy experience, Mssrs Trussler & Parode will offer expert perspectives on EMSO issues in the context of DOTmLPF-P (doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy analysis) and across the range of military operations (ROMO). There will be plenty of opportunity for audience Q&A; please join us for this exciting session.

2:45 - 4:00 PM


EW Spectrum Operations in Space

In the rapidly evolving domain of space, electromagnetic warfare (EW) spectrum operations play a crucial role in maintaining strategic advantage and ensuring operational superiority. This session explores the complexities of EW in the space environment, focusing on how emerging technologies and techniques shape the control and management of the electromagnetic spectrum. Participants will gain insights into current challenges, such as spectrum congestion and adversarial threats, and examine innovative solutions for spectrum management, defense, and exploitation in space operations. Join us for an in-depth discussion on the future of EW spectrum operations and their impact on space missions.

2:45 - 4:00 PM


Electromagnetic Battle Management (EMBM) Within the Joint Coalition Environment: Understanding Needs and Leveraging Our Collective Strengths

Recognizing that actions and operations within the electromagnetic battlespace naturally transcend borders and areas of responsibility (AORs), what capabilities do the U.S. and partner nations need to achieve effective collaboration, coordination, deconfliction, and interoperability? This breakout session will explore necessary capabilities and strategies to expedite their delivery to our joint coalition warfighters. The session will allow the audience to ask questions and participate in the discussion.

2:45 - 4:00 PM


Navy Programs

Disruptive and Asymmetric Electromagnetic Warfare
As our peer and near-peer adversaries increase both the quantity and effectiveness of their systems and platforms, the Electromagnetic Warfare mission (and, in turn, the US Navy and Marine Corps) must expeditiously adapt with non-kinetic disruptive and non-traditional means to achieve tactical success.  This session will focus on the naval programs manager’s response to these evolving dynamics with existing and emerging systems, platforms, and technologies.

This session is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only—closed to media.

Thursday, December 12

8:00 - 9:30 AM

Main Stage


Major General AnnMarie K. Anthony

Director of the Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Center, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

General Thomas A. Bussiere, USAF

Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command and Commander, Air Forces Strategic - Air, U.S. Strategic Command

9:45 - 11:15 AM


All Domain Sensing in Support of Large Scale Combat Operations

All Domain Sensing and Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) are inextricably interwoven as critical and complementary capabilities that allow for a seamless flow of information across land, air, sea, space, and cyberspace. As the U.S. military pivots to the Indo-Pacific, there is an increased need to identify, monitor, target, and strike opponents from farther distances and with greater precision. The mandate to see deep for long-range precision strikes emphasizes the necessity to work across Services on a Joint Force ISR sensing architecture. This session focuses on the operational imperative to be able to see and sense farther and more persistently than our enemies at every level across the battlefield.

9:45 - 11:15 AM


Technical briefings are a platform for experts, researchers, and practitioners to present concise, data-driven, and highly specialized information. These sessions delve into technical details, research findings, and cutting-edge innovations within the EMSO industry.

Session titles coming soon.

9:45 - 11:15 AM


Air Force Programs

As the U.S. Air Force increasingly adopts distributed, software-defined systems and capabilities, it leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance cognitive electromagnetic warfare (EW). This shift allows for updates at tactical speeds rather than following traditional acquisition timelines, ensuring a strategic advantage over adversaries using complex systems. This session will focus on the initiatives of Air Force program managers to identify and appropriately position emerging technologies for the Great Power Competition.

This session is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only—closed to media.

12:30 - 2:15 PM

Main Stage


U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS)/Security Cooperation Session

U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) of sensitive military technologies, like electromagnetic warfare, can be challenging to understand and navigate for International Partners and the U.S. Defense Industry. U.S. Export laws, such as the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), requirements for Export Licenses, and, in some cases, Congressional approval can be confusing and complicate the sale of EW systems and associated technical support. This session will provide an educational opportunity and forum for the U.S. government, U.S. defense industry, academia, and international partners to share information and provide updates on FMS and DCS program policy, processes, and improvements.

2:45 - 4:00 PM


Electromagnetic Warfare Reprogramming at the Speed of War

Current electromagnetic warfare (EW) reprogramming processes fail to promptly deliver new or optimized EW techniques. Historically and in ongoing conflicts, EW reprogramming has depended on the Intelligence Community (IC) or specialized exploitation efforts to develop strategies tailored to specific threats. While effective, these legacy processes are labor-intensive, costly, and, most importantly, slow. Various organizations are now striving to transform the EW reprogramming paradigm to deliver techniques at the speed of war. Join us as our panel of experts discusses the future vision of EW reprogramming and the roadmap to achieve it.

2:45 - 4:00 PM


EMS Workforce & Professional Development Colloquy

Goal 3 of the 2020 Department of Defense Electromagnetic Spectrum Superiority Strategy is to "Pursue Total Force EMS Readiness". This session explores critical aspects of EMS workforce readiness by identifying key training centers, defining EMS core concepts, tailoring training to diverse roles, educating senior leaders on technical implications, and retaining specialized personnel. Experts from the DOD, industry, academia, coalition partners, and AOC will provide insights into EMS workforce development.

2:45 - 4:00 PM


Technical briefings are a platform for experts, researchers, and practitioners to present concise, data-driven, and highly specialized information. These sessions delve into technical details, research findings, and cutting-edge innovations within the EMSO industry.

Session titles coming soon.

Friday, December 13

8:00 - 9:30 AM

Main Stage


Major General Elisabeth G. Michelsen

Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Joint Force Command Norfolk

9:45 - 11:00 AM


The Impact and Influence of AI in EW

Explore the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of electromagnetic warfare (EW). This session delves into how AI technologies are revolutionizing EW operations, from signal intelligence and electronic support measures to electronic attack and protection strategies. Gain insights into the latest AI-driven advancements in threat detection, real-time analysis, and automated response systems. Learn from experts about the challenges and opportunities AI presents in enhancing EW capabilities, ensuring strategic superiority, and adapting to rapidly evolving threats in the electromagnetic spectrum.

9:45 - 11:00 AM


Electromagnetic Warfare Test & Evaluation: Challenges and Opportunities to better support the Warfighter

Test & Evaluation (T&E) in electromagnetic warfare (EW) is increasingly complex, with challenges spanning legacy scenarios, Live-Virtual-Constructive integration, and multi-domain considerations. Factors such as geographic and frequency spectrum encroachment, diverse foreign military equipment, and a shortage of specialized technicians add to the difficulty. The rise of cognitive EW technologies and space domain applications further complicates testing. This session, led by Greg “Patch” Patschke, a former AOC Board Member and retired USAF Colonel will explore optimizing synergies across labs, chambers, and ranges. It will address investment strategies to meet multiple requirements with limited funds. Join our all-star panel composed of representatives from multiple services, coalition partners, and industry.

9:45 - 11:00 AM


Technical briefings are a platform for experts, researchers, and practitioners to present concise, data-driven, and highly specialized information. These sessions delve into technical details, research findings, and cutting-edge innovations within the EMSO industry.

Session titles coming soon.

1:00 - 2:15 PM


R&D / How to Move Faster in EW Development

In the rapidly advancing field of electromagnetic warfare (EW), speeding up research and development is essential for staying ahead of evolving threats. This session will focus on actionable strategies to accelerate EW development. Key topics include adopting agile methodologies to streamline R&D cycles, enhancing innovation through cross-disciplinary collaboration, and implementing advanced tools such as AI-driven simulation and testing environments. Attendees will learn how to integrate these approaches to improve efficiency, reduce development times, and increase the responsiveness of their EW solutions. This session is tailored for EW and R&D professionals, engineers, and managers aiming to enhance their development processes and maintain a technological edge in EW.

1:00 - 2:15 PM


Technical briefings are a platform for experts, researchers, and practitioners to present concise, data-driven, and highly specialized information. These sessions delve into technical details, research findings, and cutting-edge innovations within the EMSO industry.

Session titles coming soon.

1:00 - 2:15 PM


Army Programs

The Army is reexamining its approach to electromagnetic warfare, realizing that the electromagnetic spectrum needs to be treated with the same strategic importance as physical terrain in all phases of military operations. Additionally, the Army recognizes the need for flexibility to tailor its EW kit across different theaters and dynamic threats by rapidly updating its capabilities to adapt to these ever-changing conditions. During this session, you will hear from Army program and capability managers about how they plan to address these challenges, receive updates on the latest programs and emerging requirements, and learn some of the innovative acquisition approaches being implemented to help achieve success.

This program is open to booth personnel and master pass attendees only—closed to media.

2:45 - 4:00 PM

Main Stage


EMSO Within Current Conflicts and Hotspots

The current global conflict level is at its peak, surpassing even the intensity of the post-world war era. The battle for EMS dominance within these ever-changing and enduring threat environments is more challenging than ever, presenting unique challenges to our comprehension, capacity, and endurance. We invite you to join us for a comprehensive update on the current and potential conflicts and the unique EMS challenges they present.