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From The Crows' Nest Podcast
From the Crows' Nest Podcast episodes with interviews and recaps are being released throughout AOC 2024, the Association of Old Crows International Symposium & Convention. Start listening now!
- Inside AOC 2024, Day 1
- This episode of FTCN is coming to you from AOC 2024. We will be releasing new episodes each day as we discuss Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations - the Great Power Competition, the theme of this year’s show. Host Ken Miller sits down with opening keynote speaker Major General AnnMarie Anthony, Director of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations within US STRATCOM. Ken and General Anthony level set what EMSO means for today’s fight and the need to pursue education, training, and assessment of our ability to maneuver in the EMS. Ken also sits down with John Knowles, Editor in Chief of AOC’s Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance (JED) for his take on what we need to learn and discuss here at AOC 2024.
- Inside AOC 2024, Day 2
- This episode of From the Crows’ Nest is coming to you from AOC 2024. On Day 2 of the show, host Ken Miller is joined by General Thomas Bussiere, Commander Air Force Global Strike Command and Commander, Air Forces Strategic – Air, U.S. Strategic Command. Later, Ken sits with Vice Admiral Craig Clapperton, Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. Tenth Fleet / Joint Force Headquarters - Cyber (Navy). They discuss this week’s theme of Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) in the context of Great Power Competition. They also share collaborative efforts under their leadership across the joint force and with allied/partner forces in the realm of EMSO.
- Inside AOC 2024, Day 3
- This episode of From the Crows’ Nest is coming to you from AOC 2024. On Day 3 of the show, host Ken Miller is joined by Major General Elisabeth Michelsen, Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations at Joint Force Command Norfolk. They focus their discussion on lessons learned from the War in Ukraine and the strategic importance of the high North and Arctic territories. They also talk about strengthening training, technology development, especially in sensor and signals intelligence, and collaboration in the electromagnetic operating environment. Ken is then later joined by John Knowles, Editor-in-Chief of AOC’s Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance (JED) for his closing thoughts on AOC 2024.