
Electromagnetic Spectrum Warfare - The Great Power Competition

Classification: Unclassified Distro-A

Please note: Information reflected on this page is subject to change

For session descriptions, check out the symposium agenda.

Keynote Speakers

Major General AnnMarie K. Anthony
Director of the Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Center, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

Gen Thomas A. Bussiere

General Thomas A. Bussiere, USAF
Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command and Commander, Air Forces Strategic - Air, U.S. Strategic Command

VADM Craig A. Clapperton, USN

Vice Admiral Craig A.
“Clap” Clapperton

Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. TENTH Fleet / Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber (Navy)


Major General Elisabeth G. Michelsen
Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Joint Force Command Norfolk